Series: Galatians
Title | Passage | Teacher | Series |
Galatians 3 February 20 | Galatians 3 | Wes Hoff | Galatians |
Galatians 2 February 13 | Galatians 2 | Paul Lange | Galatians |
Galatians 1 February 6 | Galatians 1 | Jordan McGaughey | Galatians |
Lest You Also Be Tempted December 30 | Galatians 6 | Bill Goodrich | Galatians |
We Are To Restore One Another December 16 | Gal 6:1 | Bill Goodrich | Galatians |
By the Spirit – Not By the Flesh December 9 | Galatians 5:16-26 | Bill Goodrich | Galatians |
Stand Fast in Liberty December 2 | Gal 5:1-15 | Bill Goodrich | Galatians |
Paul’s Concern for the Church November 25 | Gal 4:8-31 | Bill Goodrich | Galatians |
No Longer Slaves But Heirs of God November 18 | Galatians 4:1-7 | Bill Goodrich | Galatians |
We Are Heirs According to the Changeless Promise November 11 | Galatians 3:15-29 | Bill Goodrich | Galatians |