Children’s Ministry
The vision of the Children’s Ministry is to love, serve, and shepherd children so that they are encouraged to choose a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to grow in their relationship with Him, and to be equipped to live a life committed to serving Him.
The Children’s Ministry provides numerous opportunities for children to be encouraged in the Lord. We offer Children’s Ministry for children of ages, infant through the sixth grade during the 9:30 am and 11:15 am services. We also offer AWANA on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm. Plus, the ministry has many special events throughout the year, including Vacation Bible School, Children’s Ministry Graduation, Happy Birthday Jesus Party, and more. Come on out and join in the excitement and fun of the Children’s Ministry!
On Sunday mornings, Horizon’s Children’s Ministry uses various curriculum providers and publishers to best minister to children and families of the church and community through strong Biblical teaching each week. Below is the current curriculum provided:
- Answers in Genesis – ABC Curriculum for ages three years old through the sixth grade
- Hands on Bible from Group Publishing for ages one through two years old
- Gospel Light – Nursery Curriculum for infants
At Horizon, we believe that children of all age can receive Biblical and spiritual instruction by caring and loving teachers each week at church!
On Wednesday nights, Horizon uses three curriculums. Below is the current curriculum and materials provided:
- Awana Curriculum & Materials for ages three years old through the sixth grade
- Hands on Bible from Group Publishing for ages one through two years old
- Gospel Light – Nursery Curriculum for infants
Jason Schultz
Children’s ministry pastor
Vacation Bible School 2019
VBS 2019 is June 24-28 in the morning from 9-12:30. Come join us for the Incredible Race from Answers VBS: on your mark, get set, go! We will travel around the globe learning that there is One Family, One Race, & One Savior!
To volunteer or donate, please contact the church office. We look forward to seeing you at The Incredible Race this summer!