Women’s Ministry



The vision of the Women’s Ministry is to help each woman grow in her passion for God as she learns, through prayer & study of His Word, the depth of His love and Holiness, His power and total sufficiency to meet her every need. Our vision is to encourage each woman to be a support to her family and the Body of Christ, and to become a woman of prayer and a woman that continually abides in Christ and bears much fruit.

Bible Studies

Come study & pray with us! We study the Word through inductive bible study & pray together.

Fall 2024

Join us on Monday nights at 7:00pm beginning September 9 for our fall Bible study. We will be studying the book of Nehemiah. Sign up now! Childcare provided


Wives on their Knees (PDF) – Vi Goodrich

Care Ministry

If you would like to provide a meal/meals for funerals, or families in need, or help serve at funerals, or provide other helps, contact Melanie Woolard or the church.