Everyday Shopping
There’s a few easy ways to support the school that don’t cost you a cent and could fit right into the normal flow of your life.
Scrip Gift Cards
MUTUAL BENEFIT: Scrip fundraising is a program that allows families to raise money for Horizon Christian School and for their child’s tuition by using gift cards (“Scrip cards”) to pay for their everyday purchases. Each card gives back a certain percentage, and that percentage is split between the family and the school. The money is applied to your child’s account in April each year.
Use Scrip gift cards for:
- Groceries
- Entertainment
- Restaurants
- Retailers
- Gas
- Travel
- We have select Scrip cards available in the school office. Stop by!
- We always have full Scrip order forms in the school office.
- You can order online at scripzone.com
- Click “New User” and create an account.
- Put in our group ID: 317826HCS
- Choose Scrip cards and submit!
- Pay at school office.
NOTE that all payments (even online orders) must be made to the office in check or cash. Questions? Contact Tracy Snell (317-823-4538).
Link your Amazon
The Amazon Smile program puts 0.5% of all of your normal Amazon purchases towards the school! You can link your Amazon account to opt-in at smile.amazon.com.
Link your Kroger Plus
Link your Kroger Plus card to HCS and part of purchases will support us! Log in to your Kroger account and click “Community Rewards”. Search Horizon Christian School or just “DE676” (our ID number) and select us as your beneficiary!
Save Box Tops
Box Tops for Education is a popular program enabling Horizon to be donated money for box tops you bring in from many common grocery items. Horizon gets 10 CENTS per box top! Bring them in to the school office. Check out a detailed breakdown of this popular program at its official website.