Spiritual Development
It is such a blessing to serve the students and families of Horizon Christian School as the Director of Student Engagement. Every day is an adventure, a challenge and a chance to witness what God is doing here in the lives of our students.
We have an amazing opportunity here at Horizon to walk alongside our students and encourage them to live the life of obedience in which Christ has called them to. Hebrews 12:11 says: no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. I constantly tell them, no matter the reason or the circumstance in which they come to see me that it is an opportunity for them to grow, change and become like Christ. I often remind them that we can’t really control how other people act or what they do; however, we can change how we respond. Christ is developing fruit in us and until he can see it, he will continue to provide opportunities to develop it. It’s part of the journey that we are on as we say “yes” to Jesus.
Our mission here at
Horizon Christian School:
Win, disciple, Send.
Our mission here at Horizon Christian School is the same as our church. Win, disciple, Send. We are very intentional about this mission and provide many opportunities not only for them to respond and accept Jesus as their Savior but we also provide many opportunities to help them to grow in their relationship with him. In addition to their academic bible class, we start most mornings with a 20 minutes devotional which focuses on personal quiet time and prayer. We also have weekly chapel, special assemblies throughout the year, and optional bible studies available at various times. The students are also assigned into a small group at the beginning of the year in which they have a small group leader that then prays for and connects with them throughout the week. These groups meet once a month. Moreover, we also offer the opportunity for many of our students to be involved in discipleship / mentoring group in which they meet weekly with a trusted leader to pray, read the bible, or talk about life issues that they may be dealing with. Lastly, we do offer biblical counseling for individual students as needed and offer many opportunities to serve and reach others.
All My Best,
Jessie Newton
Director of Student Engagement