Course Schedule
Courses This Semester
Full Course Listing
This is a listing of all of the courses offered. Look above to see what’s being offered this semester.
New Testament
Gospel of Matthew – 3 Credits
This course is a verse-by-verse study of the Gospel of Matthew with specific emphasis on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and His claim to be the Messiah.
Gospel of Mark – 3 Credits
Among the various subjects of Mark’s gospel, we will highlight Christ’s baptism and Temptation; His choosing of the twelve; His parables; His love for, dependence upon, and obedience to the Father; His power and His person. Lastly, and most importantly, we will examine His propitiatory death and His glorious resurrection, which procure for the believer eternal salvation. This is the reason for the title ‘Gospel’, the good news found in Jesus Christ. These topics will move us to a greater appreciation for the beauty of His Person and the power of His nature.
Gospel of John – 3 Credits
The Gospel of John is recognized as the unique gospel with a purpose of that those would believe would know eternal life. This course will be a verse-by-verse study of the entire gospel looking at the significance, particularly the relationship between His deity and humanity.
Acts – 3 Credits
This course is a verse-by-verse study through the Book of Acts. We will look at the growth of the early church and church practice, including the function of spiritual gifts in the Church. We will also study the aspects of early church missions, church planting, and discipleship.
Romans – 3 Credits
The course is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans, a book long regarded as the most systematic presentation of doctrine in the Bible. Students will look carefully at how the saving life of Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit, can transform lives.
I & II Corinthians – 2 Credits
This class will consist of a verse-by-verse study. This letter addresses the problems that plagued the Corinthian church and are still of great concern to the Church today: division, marital conflicts, sexual immorality, Christian liberty, spiritual gifts, money, and offended believers. Paul ‘s second epistle to the church in Corinth . As with any study of one of Paul ‘s epistles, we will marvel at the depth of his understanding and the humble intimacy of his dependent walk with his Lord. We will be challenged to surrender to God sufficiently that he may “have” us, as fully as he “had” our brother Paul. As the Holy Spirit leads, we will give exposition and make application.
Ephesians – 2 Credits
The objective of this class is to give the student a thorough working knowledge of Ephesians, studying verse-by-verse and including the major doctrines presented in the epistle. We will see a glorious picture of Christ and His Church and the plan of God for His children. We will appreciate even more of what Christ has done for us and what He desires of us.
I & II Thessalonians – 2 credits
This will be a chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse study of Paul’s epistle to the church in the region of Thessalonica.
Pastoral Epistles – 2 credits
As we study verse-by-verse, we will learn about the most important and practical issues in the Church. In his letters to Timothy and Titus, Paul gives these young pastors encouragement and instruction about combating false doctrine, dealing with worship in the church, choosing leaders in Church, treating people in the Church properly, and dealing with material goods in the Church.
Hebrews – 2 credits
The Book of Hebrews is divided into two sections: first, the superiority of the Son in His person and work (1:1-10:18); and second, the practical application of the superiority of the Son in the lives of believers (10:19-13:25). This course will be divided into these sections as well by the activities we will experience during this course as we study verse-by-verse through Hebrews. We will encounter our holy calling, our priesthood, by drawing near continually “with a true heart in full assurance of faith…” (Heb 10:22)
General Epistles – 2 credits
A study verse-by-verse from James, I & II Peter, through III John. We will simply study of these books verse-by-verse that through revelation of the Spirit we will have a better understanding of whats contained. The books of Peter. Will pertaining to the natural flow of the text, which are: (1) learning and experiencing the grace of God which enables us to not only live for God, but also to be submissive and suffer for His glory, (2) gaining knowledge of God, through the Living Word of God which has been made available to us, (3) growing in Christian character by which we are able to be steadfast in our Christian walk, in order that we may not stumble, (4) discerning true doctrine as opposed to the “destructive heresies” that some seek to spread, speaking with deceptive words; and (5) knowing that God is not slack concerning His promises and that His return for His Church is imminent. The Epistles of John are intensely practical letters addressed to Christian readers. They warn against the dangers of false teaching and exhort believers to live a life of obedience to God and love for their brothers and sisters. Its controlling theme is fellowship with God the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ in love and truth.
Revelation – 3 credits
In this course, we will seek a biblical understanding in our minds and hearts of the events that God has foretold through His prophets concerning the Last Days. Revealing the power and Majesty of our God. We will seek to understand where we are in the history of prophecy and what lies ahead for the Church.
New Testament Survey I: Matthew-Acts – 3 credits
The C2000 Series MP3s are recordings of Pastor Chuck Smith’s “Through the Bible” messages delivered at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. As you take this course, you will study the Bible verse-by-verse from Matthew through Acts by listening to the expository messages, answering the study questions in the course guide, and writing down personal notes from the teachings. There are 69 messages for this course, at an average length of about an hour per message. This course should give you a broad and deep understanding of God’s Word, which will strengthen your relationship with God and help you understand His will for your life. You should listen to the messages with your Bible open and with a heart that is prepared to hear from God.
New Testament Survey II: Romans-Revelation – 3 credits
The C2000 Series MP3s are recordings of Pastor Chuck Smith’s “Through the Bible” messages delivered at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. As you take this course, you will study the Bible verse-by-verse from Romans through Revelation by listening to the expository messages, answering the study questions in the course guide, and writing down personal notes from the teachings. There are 79 messages for this course, at an average length of about an hour per message. This course should give you a broad and deep understanding of God’s Word, which will strengthen your relationship with God and help you understand His will for your life. You should listen to the messages with your Bible open and with a heart that is prepared to hear from God.
Christian Living
Foundations for Christian Living – 2 credits
A class that lays the foundation for us as Christians, as we go through using the book of Romans and many other books from within the Bible bringing the velocity of Gods word to root and ground us in WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST! Our identity now that we are new creations in Christ.
Community Worship
Required for on-campus students —each week the student body gathers together with congregation of Horizon Christian Fellowship for a time of worship and teaching. It is a time to gather as the body of Christ sitting under the teaching of Gods word and fellowship together.
Morning Chapel/Devotions
In addition to personal time devoted to the LORD, the entire student body meets every morning for a short time of worship and a brief message from various guest speakers, teachers, students, and missionaries.
Christian Ministry
Practical Christian Ministry
Students serve in various tasks on and off campus alongside fellow students and staff, applying the practical aspects of Christianity and servant-hood as they learn to follow Christ. Four semesters of Practical Christian Ministry are required for graduation.
Biblical Counseling
Biblical Counseling – 3 credits
This class will be a biblical study of counseling from God’s perspective. We will study the biblical basis for counseling as well as the principles for effective counseling taught in God’s Word. Students will also learn to discern the difference between secular counseling methods and biblical counseling methods.
Biblical Theology – 3 credits
This course is an introduction to Christian theology that will address the essentials of traditional Christianity such as the supremacy of love in both vertical and horizontal relationships, the theology of the Apostle’s Creed, the nature and character of the Bible (bibliology), the doctrine of God (theology proper), the person and work of Christ including His death, burial, and resurrection (Christology), the person and work of the Holy Spirit (pneumatology), the doctrine of man, sin and salvation (angelology, anthropology, hamartiology, and soteriology), the nature, mission and role of the Church (ecclesiology), and a description of end times scenarios (eschatology).
Principles of Ministry – 2 credits
the student body meets weekly to hear teaching from Pastor Bill Goodrich and guest speakers whose ministries have greatly impacted this generation.
Cults & World Religions – 2 credits
The course will consist of an introduction to the origin, history, philosophy, theology, and practices of the major non-Christian religions such as Vedic religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, Secular Humanism, Islam, New Age Movement, and pseudo-Christian cults such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism. Each belief system will be described and evaluated with a view to equip the student for effective evangelism.
Inductive Bible Study & Hermeneutics – 3 credits
The purpose for this class is to teach and encourage students to study the Word of God by carefully observing, carefully interpreting, accurately cross-referencing, and relevantly applying the text to their lives.
Apologetics – 3 credits
The course will consist of an examination and evaluation of the argument for the truthfulness of Christianity. Emphasis will be given to the nature of truth, existence of God, evil, hell, the reliability of the Bible, deity of Christ, resurrection of Christ, and other elements that comprise the core doctrines of Christianity. In addition, attention will be directed to understanding the formation of the Christian canon of Scripture. Subjects will include a study of biblical inspiration, canonization, transmission, translation and the role of archaeology as it supports the reliability of the Scriptures.
Church History
Church History – 3 credits
This course is designed as an overview of the major events, movements, doctrines, and people associated with the growth of the Christian church from the apostolic era until the present.
Biblical Missions – 3 credits
This class will focus on the theological and practical elements of mission work. We will study the biblical basis of missions, focusing mainly on the life of Paul in the book of Acts and some of his epistles to learn the principles that ought to be applied practically in our own missionary endeavors.
3 Week International Mission Trip (Practicum)
Old Testament
Genesis – 3 credits
This is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Genesis. The intention of this course is to study the magnificent account of the creation of mankind and the unfolding plan of redemption of mankind, leading each of us into a deeper faith in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Exodus – 2 credits
There are two key theological themes of Exodus, based on the two main parts of the book. The first is “God is the Deliverer”; the second is “God the Covenant-Maker”. We will study these themes as we look at Exodus verse-by-verse.
Numbers – 2 credits
Deuteronomy – 2 credits
Life of David – 2 credits
This class is a survey of David’s life from the books of Samuel and the Psalms. Much of this class will be a verse-by-verse study through the books of I and II Samuel. Looking at the weakness and strengths that developed in Davids life.
Nehemiah – 2 credits
Psalms – 2 credits
Verse- by- verse through the book of Psalms, looking at the different types of Psalms (Prophetic, Davidic, praise, lament..etc) Discovering the beauty and learning the structure of the Hebrew poetry. Looking at fulfillment of scripture from the Psalms made in New testament.
Daniel – 2 credits
This class will be a verse-by-verse exegetical study through the book of Daniel. This book is one of two of the most profound books of Bible prophecy; the other is the book of Revelation. These two books complement each other. The book of Revelation explains the book of Daniel, while the book of Daniel lays the foundation for the book of Revelation. We will be studying the main theme of Daniel , which is, “The Times of the Gentiles”. We will be looking at when the “Times of the Gentiles” began, when it will end, and what this means for us today. We will also be studying the lives and character of Daniel and his three friends.
Isaiah – 2 credits
The goal of this class is to deepen our relationship with Christ while gaining an academic and devotional understanding of the book of Isaiah. We will familiarize ourselves with the form and structure of the book, as well as its basic theology, purpose, authorship, and various historical accounts related to Isaiah.
Minor Prophets – 2 credits
This class will consist of an overview and study of the messages of the pre-exilic and post-exilic Minor Prophets of the Old Testament.
Old Testament Survey I – 3 credits
The C2000 Series MP3s are recordings of Pastor Chuck Smith’s “Through the Bible” messages delivered from Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. As you take this course, you will study the Bible verse-by-verse from Genesis through Job by listening to the expository messages, answering the study questions in the course guide, and writing down personal notes from the teachings. There are 88 messages for this course, at an average length of about an hour per message. This course should give you a broad and deep understanding of God’s Word, which will strengthen your relationship with God and help you understand His will for your life. You should listen to the messages with your Bible open and with a heart that is prepared to hear from God.
Old Testament Survey II – 3 credits
The C2000 Series MP3s are recordings of Pastor Chuck Smith’s “Through the Bible” messages delivered from Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. As you take this course, you will study the Bible verse-by-verse from Psalms through Malachi by listening to the expository messages, answering the study questions in the course guide, and writing down personal notes from the teachings. There are 87 messages for this course, at an average length of about an hour per message. This course should give you a broad and deep understanding of God’s Word, which will strengthen your relationship with God and help you understand His will for your life. You should listen to the messages with your Bible open and with a heart that is prepared to hear from God.