General Info
Date: July 22 – 26, 2024
Price: $265/person
Location: Highland Lakes Baptist Camp Martinsville, IN
Registration: See below!
Getting Ready
What To Bring
- Bible!!
- Pen or pencil
- Sleeping bag & pillow
- Normal toiletries (toothbrush, shampoo, back hair shaver, etc)
- Appropriate clothing (see dress code)
- Appropriate swimsuit (see dress code)
- Towel
- Spending money for Snack Shack if desired
- Non-cell-phone cameras if desired (but absolutely no pictures are to be taken inside any dorm rooms for any reason)
Dress Code: No immodest tank tops (if in doubt, leave it at home). No exposed undergarments, cleavage, spaghetti straps, short shorts, gang-style clothing, offensive t-shirts, speedos, etc. Two-piece swimsuits are okay as long as a dark shirt is worn over it.
*NOTE: Female campers are required to wear a one piece swim suit, tankini or a dark t-shirt over a swimsuit. Male campers cannot wear Speedos. (God help anyone who would want to.)
What NOT To Bring
- Electronics (cell phones, music players, etc)
- Anything obvious and stupid (drugs, guns, deadly Chinese finger traps)
NOTE: Cell phones will not be allowed for campers. All leaders will have cell phones; campers are permitted to call home at any time.
FAQ’s – need to know
- Food allergies/sensitivities – if your child has food allergies that need to be strictly catered towards there will be refrigerators available for them to store meals but you will be responsible for providing those meals. Please communicate their needs and what type of things they cannot have so we can be aware
- Medication – We will have a nurse at camp and all medication must be in their possession. Please bring medication labeled for the week (name of med, dose, frequency to be given, camper’s name) so it can appropriately be give
Registration – Youth Groups
I want to bring my youth to camp!
Awesome! If you have been before, you’re already familiar with the process. Here’s how it works:
1. Say hello! If you’ve never brought a group before, email me (wyounge@horizonindy.org) and introduce yourself!
2. Start getting your youth together! All individual registration for kids in your youth group is up to you. They’ll need to give you two things:
a. Money (the price of camp, plus whatever you choose to add for travel/subsidizing your leaders/etc)
b. Per-Person Form (The Waiver)
3. Fill out group registration form. Youth camp costs $265 for everyone registered through the group registration form. The form must be filled out and sent in by July 1! You can mail the check* to Horizon Christian Fellowship Indianapolis (made out to the same). You are welcome to add people closer to the time of youth camp, of course; we will be charging them $275 for camp. Please let me know if your late additions grow to more than a few people so that I can make sure everyone is accommodated!
4. Come to camp with the money and registration forms! Bring the rest of the money and all the individual registration forms with you to camp on July 22nd!
*We use checks instead of online payments to save processing fees from affecting the price of camp.
To register as a part or Horizon Indy Youth:
If you are a youth registering with another youth group check with your leader: If you are a leader send me your list of registered youth below
Registration – Individual
I’m an individual who wants to come, but I don’t belong to a youth group!
Awesome! The best way to join is to contact your nearest Calvary Chapel and see if you can hop on with their group! You will be associated with them for the duration of youth camp and be under their authority. Find one near you!
No luck? Contact me.